The wonderful Portuguese culture

"Passion, culture, food and history"


"Romance near the Atlantic Ocean"

"O romance ao lado do Oceano Atlântico"

The romance of Aveiro near the Atlantic Ocean

Time for romance in Portugal. Travel to the romance of Aveiro near the Atlantic Ocean. WIth his Ria, near the Atlantic Ocean, and the small canals through the city, it is the place to be for a romantic city trip in central Portugal. Take a small colorful boat and discover the city from the water. This post already informs you about why to visit Aveiro in the north of the Silver Coast.


#aveiro, #atlanticocean, #silvercoast, #romance, #river, #ovosmoles, #sweetpastry

Estimated read time: 4 minutes




Nearest large city:

Distance to district capital:

Central Portugal



60 km

Location keywords:

Silver Coast, Romance, Ovos Moles, Venice of Portugal

Romance boats like in Venice

"Small water canals and the Ria"

By arriving in the city center of Aveiro, you can't ignore it that the city is marked by many small water canals. These canals lead to the famous Ria de Aveiro. The Ria is the mouth Vouga river, o Foz do Vouga. While the canals through the city center were used to transport the famous product of Aveiro inside the city: o moliço. More about this lower in this post. The famous small Moliceiro boats circulate on these canals. Previously it was as a work boat, these days it is for tourists. Through this fact, a lot of people call Aveiro as the Venice of Portugal. Read further to be informed about the wonders and romance of Aveiro near the Atlantic Ocean.

aveiro moliceiro boat tourists canal city center visit ria color wonder romance venice portugal

Moliceiro boats

"Colorful boats cross the canals"

The Moliceiro boats are colorful elegant boats. These days, they are used to guide tourists through the city and let them see the city from the water canals. You also get information about the city and why the boats were used in the past.

aveiro moliceiro boat top front side small city canal ria barco colorful design romance
aveiro moliceiro boats tourists working barco molico seaweed canals ria atlantic ocean vouga river venice portugal
aveiro city moliceiro boats small canals color wonder romance atlantic coast venice portugal
"Working boats"

In the past, the Moliceiro boats were working boats of the Ria de Aveiro. The Ria is a little bit out of the city center, the place of the lagoon of the Vouga river. There is a lot of seaweed and molice in the water. These elegant boats were very useful to harvest these products and transport them to the city through the small canals.

aveiro romance wonder moliceiro boats canals water ria venice tourists small romantic
aveiro canal bridge amizade lacos water color wonder romance visit ria

Ria de Aveiro

"Rich salt water"


"Molice as a biological agricultural fertilizer"
aveiro ria vouga river moliço molico seaweed harvest moliceiros boats barco water nature portugal silver coast

The Ria de Aveiro holds a lot of Molice. This is a water plant that was harvested to use in the agriculture as a biological fertilizer. This is formed by algae or seaweed. Now, you immediately learned from where came the name of these wonderful and colorful elegant boats.

Salinas de Aveiro

"Sea salt mines of the Marnots"

Aside of the molice, the region around the Ria de Aveiro also is rich of sea salt. This is a second product which they harvest out of the Ria. You can't visit Aveiro without once seen the famous Salinas de Aveiro. In the salinas harvest the workers, called Marnotos, the sea salt. It is worth your visit with a guided tour.

aveiro salinas salt atlantic ocean wonder fleur de sel silver coast portugal
aveiro salt salinas sel harvest portugal silver coast atlantic ocean sea

Doces de Aveiro

"The famouse sweet pastries"

Almost every region in Portugal has his own pastry made from basic products. Aveiro is no exception on this rule. One of the wonders of Aveiro near the Atlantic Ocean are the famous pastries made of egg yolks and sugar.

Ovos Moles

aveiro ovos moles pastry wonder portugal silver coast egg yolk sugar eat food drink
aveiro ovos moles sweet pastry coffee doces maravilha wonder eat food drink
"Egg yolks and sugar"

The famous pastries of Aveiro are Ovos Moles. The origin of the Ovos Moles would be in the Convent of Jesus of Aveiro. As in each convent and monastery, the egg whites were used to iron clothes. With the egg yolks they made food, like pastries. Egg yolks together with sugar made in Aveiro the Ovos Moles. Sweet pastry in a sort of host. Ovos Moles always are in the running of the sweet wonders of Portugal, as Maravilhas Doces de Portugal.

"Liquid form"
aveiro licor ovos moles liqueur drink food egg yolks sugar sweet

What do you think to find a liquid form of the Ovos Moles? It is available in a liqueur. You also can find the Licor Aveirense Ovos Moles, or in short Licor de Ovos Moles. In Aveiro, taste it in a kiosk near the city canals.

Tripas de Aveiro

"Kind of pancake with a waffle structure"

Aside of the Ovos Moles, other sweets in Aveiro are the Tripas de Aveiro. You can describe it as a sort of pancake with a waffle structure and filled or topped by something you prefer: sugar, chocolate or a liquid Ovos Moles filling.

aveiro sweet wonders ovos moles eggs tripas licor food drink

Do you dare to combine?

"Combine everything together"

When I visited Aveiro to discover this wonderful city and as a source to write this post, I decided to take all together: the Tripas de Aveiro with Ovos Moles filling and a Licor de Ovos Moles in a cup you can eat. It is great, but a huge sugar bomb. Afterwards, you don't have to eat or drink anymore. Also, I did it never again. What do you think? Do you want to give this combination a try?

Praia da Costa Nova

"Colorful fishermen houses"

A trip to Aveiro also includes a visit to the Atlantic coastline. One of the beaches that absolutely deserves a stop is Praia da Costa Nova. Here you find a lot of old colorful fishermen's houses. In these houses stored the fishermen their equipment and they could relax. Now, most of the houses are a second home for vacation at the Atlantic Ocean, possible to rent as beach house or there are restaurants and hotels. From the city center of Aveiro, you arrive here by bus or of course if you have the flexibility of a car.

aveiro restaurante color yellow stripes lines costa nova praia beach wonder romance atlantic ocean coastline
aveiro costa nova house romance romantic atltantic ocean praia beach fishermen color lines

Visit the romance of Aveiro near the Atlantic Ocean

Are you completely convinced to visit the wonders and romance of Aveiro near the Atlantic Ocean? Click on the buttons below to find your perfect flights to Portugal and/or stay in this romantic city in the north of the Silver Coast. Aveiro is 1h away from Porto. Go for it!

How to reach?

"Wonderful train station"

By car

Aveiro is situated at the Atlantic Ocean, between Porto and Coimbra. So, it is easy to reach this romantic city by car from these cities. Also, no problem from inside the country. Do you come from the region of Viseu or the Douro Valley? There are highways leading you to Aveiro.

"Max 1 hour"

From Porto or Coimbra, you drive in around 45 minutes and maximum 1 hour to Aveiro. This is very easy to do with a car, also for a day trip.

By bus

Even as in the most cities in Portugal, you reach Aveiro by bus with the bus network of Rede Expressos. This is a very good bus company in Portugal. They bring you through Portugal in a fast and cheap way. Many locals take this kind of transport to travel. Of course, also many tourists.

rede expressos portugal bus autocarro transport fast lines

By train

Aveiro is around 1 hour away by train from Porto. Also to Coimbra is a train connection. With the CP Coimbra-Aveiro also is a trip of around 1 hour. So, traveling by train to and from Aveiro is very easy.

"Wonderful train station"

Aveiro has one of the most wonderful train stations of Portugal. The facade at the front has a lot of wonderful azulejos, the typical Portuguese blue tiles telling a story. Only for this reason, it is a must do to see the train station of Aveiro. I want to let you discover it by yourself. Traveling is discovering to enrich yourself.

Flight to Porto

As you read above, if you fly to the international airport of Porto, you can reach Aveiro in many easy ways. In almost 1 hour you arrive from Porto in Aveiro by train, car or bus. It is up to you to find out which kind of transport fits you the best for your Portugal trip. When you are in the region and have the time, there is no reason to not make a trip to Aveiro near the Atlantic Ocean.

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