The wonderful Portuguese culture

"Passion, culture, food and history"

Lisbon Museum Tips

"5 Tips to discover on a Lisbon city trip"

"5 Dicas para descobrir numa viagem de cidade em Lisboa"

5 Lisbon museum tips

Lisbon, or better Lisboa, is the capital of Portugal and a great metropolitan city to discover. It is known as the city of natural light aside the wide Tagus river and on the bucket list of many peoples for a city trip. The city is full of interesting monuments and museums to discover. A lot of museums in Lisbon are not boring and static, but are very interactive. As well as many famous monuments are also seen as museums. In this post, I will give you some inspiration in 5 different categories.

Estimated read time: 8 minutes


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Lisbon museum tips in 5 categories

"Many museums divided in 5 categories"

Lisbon has more than 60 museums, experience centres and monuments to discover. I divided some of the most interesting museums to discover in Lisbon in 5 categories. Below you find the 5 museum categories of this post about Lisbon museum tips.

Get discounts with the Lisboa Card

lisboa card lisbon museum tips discounts free entrance city trip

A city card is a great option to get descounts and free entrances in a lot of monumnets and museums. Also your public transport in the city is included. A Lisboa card is available for 24h, 48h or 72h. You can already buy your card online and get it at a tourist office when you arrive in Lisbon. Tourist offices are available at the airport as well as anywhere in the city. Buy the card online on the sites of Tiqets of GetYourGuide.

Lisbon digital travel guide

voyageiro lisbon digital travel guide 10 inside tips 3fold pocket version natural light portugal

All these information bundled together in a digital travel guide. No internet connection needed and have all your inside information in your pocket. Where you are, where you go. delivers a nice PDF to download on your personal device. Ready to travel with passion through Lisbon. The brochure is available in the Etsy shop of Galeria Sámuel.

Cultural Lisbon museum tips

A first category goes about some museums with cultural value. Some interesting museums of this kind are the following:

Azulejos Museum

Azulejos tiles are the wonderful tiles decorating many buildings in Portugal. But they also have a practical reason to protect the buildings. Most of them tell a story with blue paint. But those who had more money, could afford more colourful tiles. In the Tile Museum, Azulejos Museum, you learn more about the Azulejos tiles, which is typical Portuguese.

Tram Museum

Lisbon is famous for the old city trams, especially Tram 28. As well as great elevator trams to bring the locals from the lower parts to the higher parts of the city. In the Tram Museum, o Museu do Carris, you an discover the history of these trams and the public transport in Lisbon opperated by Carris.

GNR Museum

The GNR Museum, or Police Museum, is located in an old historical building at Largo do Carmo. This building is known as the Quartel do Carmo and was the final important place during the Carnation Revolution of 25 April 1974. Now, it houses the GNR Museum, police museum, where you can learn more about the Guarda Nacional Republicana, the National Republican Guard.

Pharmacy Museum

The Pharmacy museum at the Miradouro Santa Catarina is a great place get more information about human health, medicines and ways to heal people throughout the whole human history and in all the different cultures around the world.

Historical Lisbon museum tips

Lisbon is one of the oldest cities in Europe, so it has a huge history. A lot of them can discovered in the monuments around the city, but also some museums hold the great glory and grandeur where Portugal is famous for. As well as some historical facts which changed Lisbon, Portugal and the world.

Lisboa Story Centre

Located on the Praça do Comércio, you find the Lisbo Story Centre. Here you learn everything about the history of Lisbon, Portugal and important historical facts about how the Portuguese community and the nature changed Lisbon and the world. This is a nice start to learn more about Lisbon and Portugal, or to refresh information that you already learned in the past.

National Coach Museum

A wonderful museum to do in Lisbon, is the National Coach Museum. It consists of 2 parts. A first part is located in the Royal Hypodrome of Belém, aside the residence of the President. A second part, the newer part, is located at the train station of Belém. Here you can discover the wonderful carriages of the old Royals of the Kingdom of Portugal. There are some real rems to discover.

Navy Museum

Belém is the home of a lot of historical monuments and museums. Also the Navy Museum, Maritime Museum, which is located in the Mosteiro dos Jerónimos. Do you want to learn everything about the great maritime voyages and discoveries where the Portuguese are famous for? And discover some of the impressive ships of the royal fleet. In that case, this is the ideal museum for you. Also a great to do with children.


Last but not least in this list of historical museums is Quake. Quake is also located in Belém, aside the National Coach Museum. This is not only a museum, but a real experience centre to learn more about earthquakes. And of course, about the devastating earthquake of 1st November 1755, which destroyed almost the whole city of Lisbon. This earthquake was also the beginning of the seismic measurements and the later Richter scale.

Music Lisbon museum tips

Music is an important part in every culture and community. Portugal is famous for the Fado, which has his home in Lisboa. The cradle of the Fado is in Mouraria, located on the wall of the castle. Also Alfama is the place to be to enjoy the real history of the Fado.

Fado Museum

In the Alfama, you find the Fado Museum. A great place to discover and learn more about the typical Portuguese music, the Fado. But according my own experience, if you really want to discover what Fado is, you have to go to a good Fado restaurant in Alfama or Mouraria. Only there you feel what Fado is. In this post you already can learn more about the spirit of the Fado, a Saudade.

Casa Amália Rodrigues

The most famous fadista in the history of Portugal is Amália Rodrigues. She was a really diva and is still known as "A Fadista". The house where she lived is know open as a museum. A great place to dive in the real world and soul of a famous Portuguese Diva. Also sometimes you can enjoy Fado concerts in the garden of the house. A nice place to enjoy wonderful Fado, outside the Alfama or Mouraria.

Active Lisbon museum tips

We already had Quake as an experience centre. But aside all these Lisbon museum tips, there also are museums with a more active experience. Below, you find 3 of them.

SL Benfica and Sporting CP

The most popular sport in Portugal, is Football, futebol. Lisbon has 2 famous football clubs, SL Benfica and Sporting Clube de Portugal. By both clubes it is possible to visit the stadium and a museum. So, do you like sport, in that case is this an ideal tip for you. The international most famous clube is SL Benfica with the impressive Estádio da Luz, while Sporting is the clube where Cristiano Ronaldo became a professional football player. the stadium of SCP is Estádio José Alvalade.

Pilar 7

Are you not afraid of heights? Than you have to visit Pilar 7 in Alcantara. One of the pilars of the 25 April bridge, the red brige crossing the Tagus river, is a museum and experience centre. When you are not afraid of heights, there waits a great experience viewpoint on you aside the top deck of the bridge where the traffic passes.

Águas Livres and Mãe d'Água

Learn more about the history of the city water supply. Walk over the Águas Livres Aqueduct out of the 18th century, which leads you to the natural park of Monsanto. Or visit the reservoir of the Mother of the Water, Reservatório da Mãe d'Água in Amoreiras. Finally, there also is a Water Museum in Lisbon.

Monuments as Lisbon museum tips

Aside all these museum, also monuments are worth to disover in Lisbon. You also can categorize these under a museum. Below are some of the most famous and must do monumnets to discover in Lisbon.

Castelo São Jorge
Lisboa inside neighbourhood castle sao jorge
Pantheon Nocional
lisboa lisbon portugalpantheon river view tejo
Mosteiro São Vicente de Fora
lisboa inside neighbourhood sao vicente fora church portugal
Convento do Carmo
lisbon lisboa earthquake carmo convent church no rooftop
Palácio da Ajuda
lisboa portugal ajuda palace
Mosteiro dos Jerónimos
mosteiro de jeronimos
Padrão dos Descobrimentos
lisboa inside neighbourhood padrao padr~so descobrimentos
Torre de Belém
Lisboa Belém tower portugal

Get discounts with the Lisboa Card

lisboa card lisbon museum tips discounts free entrance city trip

A city card is a great option to get descounts and free entrances in a lot of monumnets and museums. Also your public transport in the city is included. A Lisboa card is available for 24h, 48h or 72h. You can already buy your card online and get it at a tourist office when you arrive in Lisbon. Tourist offices are available at the airport as well as anywhere in the city. Buy the card online on the sites of Tiqets of GetYourGuide.

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